How COVID-19 influence Nonprofits Organizations?

GiveLife 365
2 min readJun 4, 2020

Giving support to nonprofits

In COVID-19 situation Nonprofits need support by digitally fundraising techniques. During COVID-19 Nonprofits organizations need support to work with the association. GiveLife 365 CRM software provides support to working together with a strategy to give Information technology facilities, providing Microsoft Technologies platform, giving information by organizing webinars and events on digital platforms or social media platforms.

GiveLife CRM software provides support by giving features in membership management software nonprofit to take care of the organization’s members. While COVID-19 pandemic situation, Many Nonprofits organizations face challenges to navigate the requirement of programming, GiveLife understands the requirement of cloud-based technologies and implements it with live data resources.

Many challenges for Nonprofit Organizations:

  • How to keep safe their volunteer in food industries with increase their business
  • How helping others with facing a pandemic situation
  • How to give the best services while following social-distancing instruction
  • How to pay their employees and other expenses or close their services during a pandemic situation
  • How to give additional support to employees on breaks?
  • And many other challenges

In this COVID-19 situation, some large nonprofit organizations are able to help others and don’t face any risk because they have good funding, so large organizations help humans in comparison to small nonprofits. Small organizations also provide help because they collect funds and many big nonprofits are helping them. Some nonprofits can take help from the insurance agency with their terms and conditions decided before. Organizations can collaborate with their agents to provide which type of services they can give and which services not. Every nonprofit has different factors because it depends on the city or region how pandemics spread in their area.

Organizations need to work on what they can do and nonprofit always thinks first about other’s priorities and requirements. Organizations can require work with safety products and personal protective equipment for employees. Employees need a flexible work schedule. Transportation to the office can be challenging, so some staff can avoid it for their safety. In this situation, donors are helping the organization and everyone working to save their life at this time.



GiveLife 365

GiveLife 365 is Nonprofits CRM Software that provides Microsoft Dynamics 365 solution for Nonprofit organization growth —